Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

The Legen of Demen

         One upon a time, a pair of male and female lived in the region. They named Nyai Sademi and Kyai Suda Parmen.
          They lived together in a restricted region in the gutter. Kyai Sudo Parmen lived in the east of gutter, while Nyai Sademi livied in the west of gutter. They both were different character. Kyai Suda Parmen was active character, but he was less frugal and likes pleasure-loving. Different with  Kyai Suda Parmen, Nyai Sademi was a taciturn character, and she lived a simple life.
          They both like the sky and the earth. On the one side was wealth and finesse, and on the other there was lack. They lived together in a region although restricted  the gutter.
          Of the story the name of the demen village was taken from a fragment of the letters name two figures Nyai Sademi and Kyai Suda Parmen.

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